

I am a software engineer with over eight years of experience designing, writing, and testing software across many areas of software engineering, including cloud storage, distributed databases, telecom routing, and big data pipelines.

I love to design, build, and refactor. I am passionate about clean architecture, clean code, and idiomatic best practices.

I am biased towards minimalism and simplicity:

“Write programs that do one thing and do it well” - The Unix Philosophy

“There should be one – and preferably only one – obvious way to do it.” - The Zen of Python

I enjoy building a deep understanding of topics across all areas of software engineering.

This Site

As software engineers our careers are a never-ending journey of self-education, and we spend countless hours reading textbooks, documentation, guides, and forums. Content is often easy to come by, but truly excellent resources are rare and invaluable.

With this site I hope to provide high-quality, useful, and accessible software engineering resources to professionals and amateurs alike while sharpening my writing skills and leaving the Internet a little more free and open than I found it.

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