Golang Templates, Part 1: Concepts and Composition

Understanding Golang Template Nesting and Hierarchy With Simple Text Templates


Franco Posa

Published 2020-12-10 · Updated 2025-03-20

Template Composition Concepts

Go takes a unique approach to defining, loading, and rendering text and HTML templates.

Common templating libraries such as Jinja, Django Templates, or Liquid have OOP-style template hierarchies where one template inherits from or extends another, forming a clear parent-child relationship. See Jinja2’s template inheritance docs for a basic HTML example.

While the Go template philosophy requires a different mental model, it is quite straightforward and flexible once we push past the initial learning curve.

To understand Go stdlib templates, we need to grasp two design decisions of the library:

  1. Any template can embed any other template
  2. The Template type is a recursive collection of Template instances

We will illustrate these concepts with some basic text examples, modified from the Go text/template documentation to provide more insight into the inner workings of the library.

Part 2 of this guide will extend these basics to more practical HTML examples.

The Template Data Structure

As mentioned, Go’s Template is a recursive data type. Each Template instance is itself a collection made up of one or more Template instances. This structure is represented internally by the parse.Tree type.

In this data structure, a child template can be embedded into multiple parent templates. The template libraries handle this internally by copying the child templates.

Introducing cycles into this structure (i.e. T1 embeds T2, which in turn embeds T1), is forbidden and will result in errors when building the template collection.

In our following examples:

  • T1 is a Template instance
  • T2 is a Template instance
  • T3 is a Template instance which embeds the T1 & T2 Template instances
  • The top-level collection, named “tmplEx1”, is a Template instance that contains the T1, T2, and T3 Template instances

A rough representation of this template tree might look like this:

    ├── T1
    ├── T2
    └── T3
        ├── T1
        └── T2

From this collection, we will be able to execute any of the individual templates defined in the collection, or the full collection (really the root of the template tree) at once.

Declaring and Invoking Templates

Using define and template

In Go we declare templates with the define action and “invoke” or evaluate them with the template action.

The code for building and executing the template collections is contained in sections below. For now, we will just focus on understanding the outputs we can expect from given inputs.

In the first version of our example, we declare three templates:

  • T1, containing the word “ONE”
  • T2, containing the word “TWO”
  • T3, which invokes T1 and T2 with a space in between to say “ONE TWO”
// Example v1.0
// define T1
t1 := `{{define "T1"}}ONE{{end}}`
// define T2
t2 := `{{define "T2"}}TWO{{end}}`
// define T3, which invokes T1 & T2
t3 := `{{define "T3"}}{{template "T1"}} {{template "T2"}}{{end}}`

Rendering these templates with some helpful print statements will give us the following output:

executing T1 Template: ONE
executing T2 Template: TWO
executing T3 Template: ONE TWO
executing full Template collection: 

This looks good, except that executing the full template collection does not output anything. This is because nowhere in our template collection did we invoke a template outside of a template declaration.

We can correct this (if desired) by invoking the t3 template somewhere in our collection, outside of any other template definitions. We will pack the invocation {{template "T3"}} in tight at the end to avoid any unwanted whitespace in our template.

// Example v1.1
// define T3, which invokes T1 & T2, then invokes itself
t3 := `{{define "T3"}}{{template "T1"}} {{template "T2"}}{{end}}{{template "T3"}}`

Now we will get the desired output:

executing T1 Template: ONE
executing T2 Template: TWO
executing T3 Template: ONE TWO
executing full Template collection: ONE TWO

Now executing the full template collection has an output.

Using block

We can clean up Example v1.1 with the block action, which combines the define and template actions, declaring the template and invoking it in-place.

The block action requires a pipeline, but this example does not pass in any meaningful data when executing our template - you will notice the calls to Execute just provide an empty string to fill the data parameter.

Pipelines provide ways to access and manipulate the Go data structures which can be passed into templates. Beyond this, pipelines are a topic in and of themselves which will put off in favor of grasping the basic usage of the template package.

We are not concerned with passing any data into the templates in this example. We will just use the standard “dot” (.) pipeline, which passes the provided data through to the template unmodified.

// Example v1.2
// define T3 with block, which invokes T1 & T2, then invokes itself in place
t3 := `{{block "T3" .}}{{template "T1"}} {{template "T2"}}{{end}}`

We will get the same output as above, without having to worry about tacking on a template invocation without adding whitespace:

executing T1 Template: ONE
executing T2 Template: TWO
executing T3 Template: ONE TWO
executing full Template collection: ONE TWO

Building a Template Collection

Recall that our template tree looks approximately like this:

    ├── T1
    ├── T2
    └── T3
        ├── T1
        └── T2

When building the template collection, you do not need to worry about parsing the templates in reference order. Go’s template packages allow you to add template T3 to the collection before the others.

This is a flexible approach, as the necessary templates could theoretically be created and added to the collection at anytime in the application lifecycle. It also removes the burden from the user of building the collection by walking the tree in the correct order.

Templates are generally built on application startup, which is why we use template.Must to panic if there are any issues with parsing and building the template collection.

// instantiate new template.Template collection
tmplEx1 := template.New("tmplEx1")

// build template collection by iteratively parsing the
// templates, using Must to panic on any errors
tmplEx1 = template.Must(tmplEx1.Parse(t1))
tmplEx1 = template.Must(tmplEx1.Parse(t2))
tmplEx1 = template.Must(tmplEx1.Parse(t3))

// Print out the names of all templates in the collection


; defined templates are: "T2", "T3", "T1", "tmplEx1"  # names are not in any particular order

Executing Templates

Template collections can be executed as a whole from the root of the tree with the Execute method, or a specific template in the collection can be referenced by name with ExecuteTemplate.

This snippet will execute the templates built in the examples above to produce the expected output:

fmt.Print("\nexecuting T1 Template: ")
err := tmplEx1.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T1", "")
if err != nil {

fmt.Print("\nexecuting T2 Template: ")
err = tmplEx1.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T2", "")
if err != nil {

fmt.Print("\nexecuting T3 Template: ")
err = tmplEx1.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "T3", "")
if err != nil {

fmt.Print("\nexecuting full Template collection: ")
// Since the root template has name "tmplEx1", this is the same as calling
// tmplEx1.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "tmplEx1", "")
err = tmplEx1.Execute(os.Stdout, "")
if err != nil {